SQLIO results parser

Ever since I first learned about it I have been a happy user of a powershell script for parsing the results of a SQLIO test run into Excel made by Mr. Jonathan Kehayias (blog). It takes the otherwise difficult to read results file and reduces it to an excel file including a couple of “management-friendly” charts  Smilefjes.

The original script can be found here.

Continue reading “SQLIO results parser”

Cluster disk resource XX contains an invalid mount point


During cluster startup or failover one of the following event is logged in the system event log:


Event-ID 1208 from Physical Disk Resource: Cluster disk resource ‘[Resource name]’ contains an invalid mount point. Both the source and target disks associated with the mount point must be clustered disks, and must be members of the same group.
Mount point ‘[Mount path]’ for volume ‘\\?\Volume{[GUID]}\’ references an invalid target disk. Please ensure that the target disk is also a clustered disk and in the same group as the source disk (hosting the mount point).

Cause and investigation

The cause could of course be the fact that the base drive is not a clustered disk as the event message states. If that is the case, read a book about WFC (Windows failover clustering) and try again. If not, I have found the following causes:

  • If the mount point path is C:\$Recycle.bin\[guid], it is caused by replacing a SAN drive with another one at the same drive letter or mount point but with a different LUN. This confuses the recycle bin.
  • If the clustered drive for either the mount point or the volume being mounted is in maintenance mode and/or currently running autchk/chkdsk. This could happen so quickly that you are unable to detect it, and when you come back to check, the services are already up and running. Unless you disable it, WFC will run autochk/chkdsk when a drive with the dirty bit set is brought online. This is probably logged somewhere, but I have yet to determine in which log. Look in the application event log for Chkdsk events or something like this:

Event 17207 from MSSQL[instance]:

Event 1066 from FailoverClustering



  • If it is the recycle.bin folder, make sure you have a backup of your data and delete the mount point folder under C:\recycle.bin. You might have to take ownership of the folder to be able to complete this task. If files are in use, take all cluster resources offline and try again.
  • If you suspect a corrupt mount point or drive, run chkdsk on ALL clustered drives. See https://lokna.no/?p=1194 for details.

Check C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports (default location) for files titled ChkDSK_[volume].txt, indicating that the cluster service has triggered an automatic chkdsk on a drive.

Run disk maintenance on a failover cluster mountpoint


“Validate this cluster” or another tool tells you that the dirty bit is set for a cluster shared volume, and taking the disk offline and online again (to trigger autochk) does not help. The error message from “Validate this cluster” looks like this:



Continue reading “Run disk maintenance on a failover cluster mountpoint”