Is your LAPS working as it should?


So, you have implemented LAPS, and you are wondering whether or not it is working as it should? Or at least, you should wonder about that. You see, LAPS is a solution with quite a few “moving parts”, and all of them have to work for your local administrator passwords to be randomized and rotated automatically. You need a Group Policy Client Side Extension on each and every Server and Workstation (client), you need a GPO using said extension, and you need to extend the schema and set AD permissions. If any of these are not working properly somewhere, LAPS will not work properly. The most usual problems are:

  • The GPO CSE is not deployed to some clients.
  • The GPO is not linked in all OUs where you have clients.


We can easily check if LAPS is working for a specific client be reading the contents of the AD attributes associated with LAPS. We need access to read these properties, so all automated and manual testes mentioned henceforth has to be run by an account with permissions to read the properties. The LAPS operations guide details how you should configure the permissions. That being said, you should of course also test the permissions to make sure that only privileged users are able to read said properties. The properties are called:

  • ms-Mcs-AdmPwd stores the password as clear text.
  • ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime stores the point in time for the next password change. The GPO checks this value when it is applied and resets the password if the time has passed.

We can use both of these to test if LAPS has been applied to a specific computer object at least once. If you do a manual test by using the Attribute Editor in AD Users and Computers you will see both. I have written PowerShell commands to automate the process based on the value of the ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime attribute.

List computers without LAPS

This lists all computer objects without a LAPS expiry set. Virtual cluster computer objects are excluded. The results are exported to the file C:\TEMP\NoLaps.csv.

get-adcomputer -Properties Name, operatingSystem, Description, ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime `
-LDAPFilter "(&(!ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime=*)(operatingSystem=Windows*)(!Description=ClusterAwareUpdate*)(!Description=Failover cluster virtual network name account))"|`
Select Name, operatingSystem, Description, ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime| Sort-Object Name | export-csv C:\Temp\NoLaps.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation

List computers with expired LAPS

Lists all computer objects where LAPS has been applied at least once, where the expiration time has passed. These are usually computers that are not powered on, maybe removed but not properly deleted from the AD. The results are exported to the file C:\TEMP\ExpiredLaps.csv.

$now = Get-Date
get-adcomputer -Properties Name, operatingSystem, Description, ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime `
-LDAPFilter "(&(ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime=*)(operatingSystem=Windows*)(!Description=ClusterAwareUpdate*)(!Description=Failover cluster virtual network name account))"|`
Select Name, operatingSystem, Description, @{N='ExpiryTime'; E={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_."ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime")}}| `
Where-Object ExpiryTime -lt $now| Sort-Object ExpiryTime| export-csv C:\Temp\ExpiredLAPS.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation 

Get LAPS Expiration date for one or more computer(s)

This command lists the expiration time for one or more computers based on an LDAP filter. The sample filter (Name=Badger*) will list all computers whose name starts with Badger. Computers where the expiration time is not set are filtered out. For more information about the LDAP filter syntax se this link:

$now = Get-Date
 get-adcomputer -Properties Name, operatingSystem, Description, ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime `
-LDAPFilter "(&(ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime=*)(Name=Badger*))"|`
Select Name, operatingSystem, Description, @{N='ExpiryTime'; E={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_."ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime")}}| Sort-Object Name

Get LAPS expiration date for one or more computers, excluding those with no expiry set

Similar to above, but includes computer objects where the expiration time is not set. Those return 01.01.1601 01.00.00 as ExpiryTime because of the conversion of 0 from FileTime to DateTime. To put it in another way, if the expiration time is reported as 01.01.1601 01.00.00 it has not been set.

$now = Get-Date
 get-adcomputer -Properties Name, operatingSystem, Description, ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime `
-LDAPFilter "(&(!ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime=*)(Name=Badger*))"|`
Select Name, operatingSystem, Description, @{N='ExpiryTime'; E={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_."ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime")}}| Sort-Object Name

Securing Windows Active Directory

This is a list of measures you can implement to increase your Windows AD Security. The list is in no way exhaustive, and some of the items overlap. Be aware that security recommendations change over time. This article was originally created 2018.01.22. If that is several years in the past when you read this, I cannot promise that all recommendations are up to date.

LAPS – Local administrator password management

Implementing LAPS ensures that all your domain-joined computers have a unique password that is changed periodically for the local administrator account. It operates as a GPO Client Side Extension, and thus requires you to install and register a DLL on each target computer. You can do this via GPO, in your VM image, or through any other software deployment solution you may use.

On the management computers and/or the DC itself, you have to add management tools and GPO Editor templates. There is a graphical user interface and a PowerShell module. The PowerShell module also includes the commands necessary to extend the AD Schema for storing the passwords and their associated expiry date.

See for details.

Securing the built-in Administrator account


The built in Administrator account in the domain should be secured. The ObjectSID of the domain admin account always ends in -500, and is thus easy to identify even if the name has been changed. The guidance used to be “Disable the Administrator account”, but it has been changed due to some recovery scenarios requiring an active Administrator-account. Specifically, the Administrator account is the only account able to log on when no global catalogs are online.

See–securing-built-in-administrator-accounts-in-active-directory for details and an implementation guide. Some highlights are shown below.

Set the DOMAIN\Administrator account as sensitive and require smart card



Create a GPO to prevent Domain Admins from logging on to member servers or workstations

I have gone a bit further than the guide here, adding Domain Admins and Guests for good measure. The “Local account and member of Administrators group” is related to denying local administrator accounts access to the computer from the network. More about this below.

Make sure that this GPO does not apply to domain controllers, that is, do not link it at the domain level.



Block remote access for local accounts

Add Guests, Local account and member of Administrators group, Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins to the policy Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Deny Access to this computer from the network.


For details, see

Disable weak ciphers for Windows Secure Channel

You can build a GPO to limit the cipher suites used by the Windows Secure Channel API, and by extension IIS. Be aware that this does not in any way limit other usage of weak ciphers. For instance, a TomCat server running on the same computer may very well use RC4 even if you have removed it from the list of Windows secure channel ciphers.

The GPO is located at Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\SSL Configuration Settings\Cipher Suites.

When you enable this setting, you get a list of all the default ciphers as a long comma separated string. Which ciphers you get is dependent of the Windows version. The easiest way to edit this list is to copy the string into a text editor. You can change the order to change the priority and remove weak ciphers.




Do not allow local users to run remote elevated sessions

Do not apply this fix:

That is, do not create the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System \LocalAccountTokenFilter Policy value, and if it exists, make sure it is set to 0. We could of course create a GPO to enforce this setting.


For details, see

Set a password policy and a lockout policy


  • Password length: 8 characters. Encourage users to create passwords with a random length between 8 and 20 characters. You want your users to have passwords that vary in length. If you set this limit to 14, chances are all passwords are exactly 14 characters long. This makes it a lot easier to crack them.
  • Complexity not required. If you require complexity, users tend to add numbers and capitals at the start and end of the password.
  • Password history: 10.
  • Maximum password age: 0, that is password never expires. To frequent password changes may lead to bad password diversity and predictable passwords. Leaked passwords are almost always exploited immediately, so there is no point in forcing a monthly password change. If you must, set the maximum age to one year. Urge users to choose new passwords that are completely different from the previous passwords. That is, do not use MypassWord1, MypasswOrd2 and so on.
  • Do not enable the reversible encryption option. Ever. Just don’t.
  • Lockout policy: Locked for 24 hours after five unsuccessful attempts.



For background information, see:

Enforce SMB Signing and disable SMB1


Enforce signing

You can enforce signing on both the server and client side. The server side is shown below. Be aware that some services require this setting to be disabled. If you have such services, create an overriding GPO for those servers only, leaving SMB signing on in the rest of the domain.




Disable SMB1

You have to create some registry-GPO settings. Details are at the link below. Be aware that legacy clients like Windows XP will be dependent on SMBv1 on Domain Controllers to access the Sysvol share. The recommendation is still to disable SMBv1 everywhere.




See for details.

Create new computer objects in a separate OU, not in the Computers container


Thus you can delegate permissions to manage them, and you can apply GPOs to newly added computers. You do this with the rdircmp console application.

  • Log on to a domain controller.
  • Start an administrative CMD-shell
  • Execute rdircmp [FQDN of OU]


You can verify or check this setting using PowerShell:

Get-ADDomain |Select-Object ComputersContainer.

Limit the number of domain admins

Domain admin accounts should only be used for domain administration tasks, and you should not have many of them. Do not use service accounts with domain admin access.

A recommended number of domain admins is 5.

Avoid explicit permissions, prefer group permissions


All permissions in AD should preferably be given to groups, not individual users. This makes it a lot easier to manage permissions, and it is also easier to see what permissions a user has based on which groups he is a member of. That is, if you follow this principle. There will always be exceptions, but they should be few and far between.

Limit the number of people with delegated access to AD


AD administration task can be delegated. For instance, your service desk could be able to reset passwords and create users without full domain admin access. It is important to limit these delegations and keep tabs on them.

Use dedicated domain controllers


  • Make sure that your domain has at least two domain controllers.
  • If they are virtual, they should not be on the same cluster. Preferably you should have at least one dedicated physical domain controller.
  • Do not install anything on you domain controllers, with the exception of backup agents, antivirus software, monitoring agents and software deployment agents.
  • Do not enable the Hypervisor role on your physical domain controllers to run other software in a VM.
  • Make sure you have a system state backup of your domain controllers.

No trusts between domains


Avoid using forests and trusts between domains. Trusted domains should be handled as a single security context (e.g. dev, test, production, management etc), and thus you only really need one domain for each security context unless you want to divide it based on departments or divisions.

Enforce the Windows firewall


Make sure that Windows Firewall is turned on. There are many ways to do this, e.g. SCCM or GPO.

Install antivirus software on all servers and workstations


And make sure that it is activated and up to date. SCCM enables you to monitor and manage the default Windows Defender antivirus. Most commercial AntiVirus software comes with some kind of centralized management and monitoring tool.

Log out RDP sessions after 24 hours


Remote desktop server sessions that are still active (idle or disconnected) after 24 hours should be logged out automatically. Really active sessions are left for 5 days.

The GPO settings are located at:

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Session Time limits

  • Set time limit for disconnected sessions: 1 day.
  • Set time limit for active but idle RDS sessions: 1 day.
  • Set time limit for active RDS sessions: 5 days.
  • End session when time limits are reached: Enabled
  • Set time limit for logoff of RemoteApp sessions: 1 day.

Group Managed Service accounts and Managed Service Accounts

Enable the domain for group managed service accounts, and encourage its use on supported services.

About the UserAccountControl attribute


When working with MIM you will sooner or later have to deal directly with the UserAccountControl Active Directory attribute. This attribute defines account options, and we use it most prevalently to enable and disable users, but there are a lot of other options as well. These options are stored in a binary value as bit flags, where each bit defines a specific function.

Bit number 1 (or 2 if you are not used to zero-based numbering) defines whether or not an account is enabled. Bit number 9 defines an account as a normal account. Thus, a normal disabled account will have bits 1 and 9 set to one. As long as no other bits are set, the decimal value is 2^9 + 2^1 = 514 or (0010 0000 0010). If we enable the account, the value is 2^9 = 512 (0010 0000 0000).

In MIM we are usually presented with decimal values. These are easier to read, but not necessarily easier to understand.

Continue reading “About the UserAccountControl attribute”

MIM LAB 1: Prepare a domain controller

This post is a part of a series. The chapter index is located here.

We will look at:

  • Installing ADDS
  • Creating a domain
  • Configuring DNS
  • Creating a basic OU structure
  • Creating users and groups required for the MIM installation

Continue reading “MIM LAB 1: Prepare a domain controller”

MIM 2016 Lab series



These are the notes from my adventures installing a MIM 2016 SP1 lab/dev environment. I am using as a guide, so make sure you read it as well. A certain proficiency with Windows 2016 and AD is a prerequisite to understand this series. All servers in this lab are running Windows 2016 Datacenter with GUI, and I am using SQL Server 2016. Thus, I deviate from the guide mentioned above which is based on Win 2012 R2 and SQL 2014.


My plan is to use three VMs:

  • DC01, the domain controller.
  • IM01: SQL Server, MIM Sync, MIM Service.
  • IM02: Exchange and other stuff that should not be co-located with the software on IM01. I considered naming it Exchange, but there may come a time when I will install other stuff on it related to MIM.

I am creating a separate domain in a new forest for this lab, aptly named mim.local, as I am going to test multi-forest MIM deployments. This will certainly add some spice to the process…

Be aware, this is a lab. Do not use this setup as-is in production. I have tried to add remarks for what I would do different in production along the way.


The will be a series, and new chapters will be added as I get time. The chapters are listed below.


This tool was created as a quick fix for a problem a coworker had in System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM): moving a re-imaged computer to it’s final location. I don’t really know all that much about SCCM, but his problem was to find a script that was able to move the current computer to a new OU based on a special environment variable defined in the task sequence (OSDDomainOUName).

We tried to utilize several vb scripts he found searching the web to no avail. In the end I got tired of this and created a small command line interface to one of my existing code libraries who already had the ability to move a computer.


As usual, this tool is provided without any warranty whatsoever. Use at your own risk, and don’t blame me if it doesn’t work. My coworker has deployed it in production successfully, but I can not guarantee that it will work in your environment. Constructive comments are appreciated, but I can’t promise a swift reply.


The tool itself is fairly simple to use, albeit not necessarily easy to integrate into SCCM. It has two command line options, but in the typical scenario you will only use the /D: for destination. The destination is the name of the OU you want to move the current computer to in FQDN format, e.g. LDAP://cn=ou,DC=test,DC=local. This will typically be collected from the %OSDDomainOUName% environment variable mentioned above.

You can use the /S: option to move another computer than the one you are currently executing the program at.

The user executing the program need to have the necessary domain permissions to perform the operation. In short, domain admin or at least delegated admin for the OUs in question.

The self extracting exe below contains a msi setup package that can be installed (and later uninstalled) as part of the task sequence. If you wish, you can just copy the .exe and .dll files and it will usually work.

In SCCM, you have to define the OSDDomainOUName variable for each collection were you want to use this tool. Then, you have to add a step  for running the command AFTER the “Set up Windows and Configuration Manager” step. See screenshots for an example.



